
Sand ginger Learn more about Sand ginger

  • New Storage Technology of Ginger seed

    New Storage Technology of Ginger seed

    After the ginger is harvested, put it in a ventilated and dry place to dry for a few days, wait for the surface of the ginger to dry, and store it in the room. First select fine wet sand or sand with large sand content, the humidity of the sand can be clustered by hand, but there is no water seepage. Circle the ground with a wooden basin or brick, first spread 40 cm thick wet sand on the bottom, then spread a layer of 20 cm thick ginger, spread another layer of 10 cm thick wet sand on the ginger block, and then spread a layer of ginger. In this way, one layer of sand and one layer of ginger is spread layer by layer to a heap height of 1 to 1.5 meters, and the surface is covered with a layer of sand 20 cm thick, every 20 ~

  • Have you ever seen these Chinese ginger varieties? What are the main effects and functions? How to distinguish? 80% of people don't know!

    Have you ever seen these Chinese ginger varieties? What are the main effects and functions? How to distinguish? 80% of people don't know!

    Ginger generally bears the role of seasoning in life, but there are many varieties of ginger in China. The following is an introduction to the main effects and functions of ginger, sand ginger, Jerusalem artichoke and ginger. How to distinguish them in daily life is as follows:

    2020-11-09 China these several kinds of ginger varieties have you seen Lord there must be
  • Introduction to the planting time and method of annual herbaceous plant Shajiang

    Introduction to the planting time and method of annual herbaceous plant Shajiang

    Sand ginger is a kind of plant with crisp texture, white section and special fragrance. It also has certain medicinal value and can promote digestion and relieve pain. Sand ginger is mainly distributed in Guangdong, Guangdong, Yunnan, Taiwan and other places.

    2020-11-08 Annual herbs sand ginger planting time and methods
  • Planting method and time of alpinia officinalis

    Planting method and time of alpinia officinalis

    The planting method of sand ginger: select dry land, paddy field, etc., the soil should be fertile and loose, good drainage and irrigation, 15 days before planting, the soil should be ploughed and sterilized, and then the seeds with disease-free, uniform size and hard texture should be selected. heap and sow after exposure for a week

    2020-11-08 Sand ginger planting method and time abstract sand ginger
  • Efficient cultivation of softened Ginger Sprouts

    Efficient cultivation of softened Ginger Sprouts

    Softened ginger sprouts are rich in nutrition, sweet, crisp and tender, storage-resistant and pollution-free. Ginger can be harvested 40-45 days after going to bed, and it can be cultivated all the year round as long as the temperature, humidity and ventilation are controlled in a suitable range. The main results are as follows: 1. the white meat ginger with high budding rate, full bud eyes, suitable size, positive color and disease free should be selected. It is best to break the whole piece of ginger according to the bud eye to sow, 32 buds can be produced per kilogram of ginger. Second, sprouting will immediately put a layer of plant ash on the pieces of ginger broken by the bud eyes for disinfection, and then choose a sunny day to dry for 1 or 2 days

  • Rapid and Efficient Cultivation of Softened Ginger Bud

    Rapid and Efficient Cultivation of Softened Ginger Bud

    In recent years, we adopted indoor measures such as avoiding light and controlling temperature and humidity to cultivate softened ginger buds successfully. This method has a short production cycle, ginger seeds can be harvested 40~45 days after bed, and as long as the temperature, humidity and ventilation are controlled within the appropriate range, they can be produced all year round. The rapid and efficient cultivation techniques of softened ginger buds are introduced as follows: 1. Select white ginger seeds with high germination rate, full bud eyes, suitable size, positive color and no diseases and insect pests. In order to improve the emergence rate, it is best to sow the whole ginger separately according to each bud eye. according to the test

  • What are the varieties of ginger? Which one is better?

    What are the varieties of ginger? Which one is better?

    The annual output of ginger in China is still quite amazing. At present, many areas are the main producing areas of ginger, so do you know what kinds of ginger there are? Which varieties are suitable for your local environment and climate? Let's briefly learn a few. 1. Tender ginger

    2020-11-27 Ginger varieties which good our country every year ginger
  • How to cultivate ginger sprouts

    How to cultivate ginger sprouts

    How to cultivate ginger sprouts

  • How to cultivate the latest ginger sprouts

    How to cultivate the latest ginger sprouts

    Ginger sprouts are the buds that grow after ginger cultivation. The ginger buds are fresh and tender and can be eaten as sauerkraut or sauerkraut. Now there is a certain scale of cultivation, now how to cultivate, what are the conditions for cultivation. What is the method of cultivation? How to be high?

    2020-11-10 The latest ginger sprouts how cultivation yes ginger after
  • How to treat the disease of alpinia officinalis

    How to treat the disease of alpinia officinalis

    Sand ginger is an annual herb. It has a peculiar fragrance and is mainly used to treat temperature, digestion and pain relief. It is used for fullness of chest and diaphragm, cold pain in epigastric abdomen and diet. When planting sand ginger, there are often diseases such as ginger plague, leaf blight and so on. So how to treat the disease of sand ginger? Ginger

    2020-11-08 Sand ginger disease how cure sand ginger for annual herbaceous plants
  • The planting method and time of alpinia officinalis in Guangdong are mostly planted at the end of March and the first ten days of April.

    The planting method and time of alpinia officinalis in Guangdong are mostly planted at the end of March and the first ten days of April.

    Select ginger species: choose ginger species with uniform growth, moderate size and intact epidermis. Select land: select newly reclaimed land with high topography and loose soil. Planting season: generally from the end of March to the middle of April. Management: Shajiang is not cold-resistant and afraid of waterlogging, so special attention should be paid to drainage.

    2020-11-08 Guang Dongsha ginger planting ginger planting method and time mostly in
  • Storage and preservation of ginger

    Storage and preservation of ginger

    Ginger is the fresh rhizome of ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe), a perennial herb of Zingiberaceae, with high 40~100cm. Aliases are ginger root, hundred spicy clouds, hook finger, Yin Dixin, cool boy, fresh ginger, honey roasted ginger. Rhizome of ginger (dried ginger), cork (ginger skin)

    2020-11-08 Ginger storage and fresh-keeping ginger yes ginger family perennial
  • Ginger will dry up and sprout after it has been stored for a long time. These tricks will help you solve the problem.

    Ginger will dry up and sprout after it has been stored for a long time. These tricks will help you solve the problem.

    Ginger has always been a necessary condiment for the family. Sometimes if you buy too much ginger at home, it will always dry up and sprout for a while, which will greatly affect the taste of ginger. And sometimes there will be mildew and softening of ginger.

  • Simple storage method of ginger

    Simple storage method of ginger

    Simple storage method of ginger

  • How to grow ginger buds

    How to grow ginger buds

    Ginger bud is the bud cultivated from ginger block. It has the characteristics of tender, fresh, fragrant and crisp, and is welcomed by consumers in the market. So how do you plant ginger sprouts? 1. How to plant ginger sprouts? 1. Select ginger: select yellow skin color, thick meat, more latent buds, not frozen dry

    2020-11-08 ginger bud how to seed is ginger block cultivate grow sprout
  • Storage method of ginger

    Storage method of ginger

    Storage method of ginger

  • The latest storage methods of ginger

    The latest storage methods of ginger

    Ginger is a very important side dish in China, which has a very large planting area in our country. The nutritional value of ginger is very high, and it has the effect of treating migraine, ventilation and other diseases. The output of ginger is also relatively high, if not after harvest.

    2020-11-10 The latest ginger storage method in I the country a kind of
  • Production and cultivation techniques of Ginger Bud

    Production and cultivation techniques of Ginger Bud

    In recent years, in order to expand the export of ginger to earn foreign exchange, various localities have summed up a set of matching technologies for the production of ginger sprouts and achieved high economic benefits. Ginger buds are divided into ordinary ginger buds and softened ginger buds. The production technology of common ginger sprouts is similar to that of conventional ginger cultivation techniques, but it is also different. We should mainly grasp the following points: ① should choose dense seedling varieties with more branches, so that ginger has more branches and buds, and more parts can be used when making ginger buds, so it is convenient to produce more products; ② uses smaller pieces of ginger to sow seeds to reduce investment, improve the utilization rate of ginger, and smaller pieces of ginger

  • Don't throw sprouted ginger, it's easier to raise than rich bamboo, and it's tall and green and can be eaten!

    Don't throw sprouted ginger, it's easier to raise than rich bamboo, and it's tall and green and can be eaten!

    Ginger is an indispensable condiment in our daily life. in fact, when ginger is not harvested, its leaves and stems are similar to those of rich bamboo. Ginger is usually sown in April. Today Huahua will teach you how to use ginger at home to plant a pot comparable to rich bamboo.

  • How to preserve fresh ginger

    How to preserve fresh ginger

    Fresh ginger can be buried in a container containing damp but not wet fine sand or loess and then stored in a dry and ventilated place. It can also be wrapped in newspapers or kitchen paper towels and stored in a cool, well-ventilated place. Ginger consumption precautions: 1. Don't

    2020-11-09 Fresh ginger how to preserve can will fresh ginger buried installed tide